Timber Design Guide
The New Zealand Timber Design Guide is a comprehensive reference document for designers, engineers and students about the use of timber and wood products in large buildings.

The Timber Design Guide is edited by Andy Buchanan, Emeritus Professor at the University of Canterbury, a Chartered Professional Engineer, past President of the NZ Timber Design Society and Principal at PTL Structural Consultants.
The Guide is a useful reference for building designers and an educational reference for tertiary students in construction and design.
The Guide features 29 chapters on the use of timber including the properties of timber and wood products, engineered wood products, durability, acoustics, fire resistance, moisture content, structural elements, design data and connecting systems.
The genesis of the Timber Design Guide started in 1987 when the Timber Use Manual was published. The Guide has been revised several times with the current version, the Third Edition, republished in February 2019.
Copies of the latest Timber Design Guide are now available by selecting and downloading one of the following order forms and sending to us at nztif@nztif.co.nz